Student sexual violence policy
Ontario Tech’s Student Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures affirm the university’s commitment to maintaining a healthy and safe environment for work and study by:
- Condemning all acts that perpetuate or reinforce Sexual Violence and hold individuals who perpetrate such acts accountable.
- Helping those who have experienced Sexual Violence by providing supports and services, regardless of whether or not a report is filed.
- Helping the University community to oppose Sexual Violence through proactive educational programming.
- Continually improving how the University addresses Sexual Violence by examining the efficacy of programming choices, how support is provided, and how students use services and resources.
Our goal is to create a culture that is characterized by respect and inclusion, and where individuals are empowered to intervene in situations where sexual violence has taken or may take place.
The Policy provides support for any student who has experienced sexual violence, or any student who is accused of perpetuating sexual violence. The procedures set out a student-led process that empowers students to make separate choices on whether to:
- Disclose or tell someone about your experience within a safe space and receive information about available supports and accommodations.
- Access support and assistance for your wellness and healing, and/or
- Formally report an incident of sexual violence in order to pursue an informal or formal resolution.
For more information on the policy and options available to students please contact the or call 905.721.3392.
The Advisory Committee on Student Sexual Violence Prevention and Support provides advice and guidance to the Provost on the university’s efforts to oppose sexual violence among students on campus.
Student representatives are needed for the Advisory Committee on Student Sexual Violence Prevention and Support. The term will run from January 2023 through to April 2024. The application deadline is Monday, January 16, 2023.
Apply to the Advisory Committee
Terms of reference
The mandate of the Committee includes:
- Reviewing and recommending revisions to university policies on student sexual violence as needed.
- Advising on training programs for development and delivery to staff, faculty, students, senior administrators, and the Board of Governors. This training will include Ontario Tech's process for responding to and addressing disclosures and complaints.
- Identifying updates to supports, services and online content.
- Evaluating the efficacy of programming, activities, and processes related to help‐seeking behaviours and advising on changes, where necessary.
- Overseeing the implementation of a survey of students or other university members, as required, relating to the effectiveness of university policies on sexual violence.
- Drafting an annual report highlighting data related to measures listed above in this section and making recommendations to the Provost or delegate.
- Preparing a written annual review to the Office of the Provost and Vice‐President Academic detailing recommended changes to the Student Sexual Violence Policy and related procedures.
The Committee membership is comprised of the following:
- Two Ontario Tech faculty members appointed by the Provost (one to serve as the Chair).
- President, Ontario Tech Student Union or delegate.
- Six Ontario Tech students appointed through a student-led selection process involving a call for applications and an interview process.
- An academic advisor.
- Two representatives from Student Life.
- Ontario Tech Assistant Vice‐President, Student Life or delegate.
Every effort will be made to ensure that the membership draws on the university’s expertise in the area of sexual violence and that it also reflects a broad diversity of representation among sexual orientation and gender identity and experience across the academic programs.
Members serve on a voluntary basis for a two‐year term for staff and a one‐year term for students with the possibility of renewal for an additional term.
The Committee will be supported by the Manager, Student Engagement and Equity and the Executive Assistant, Student Life.
The Committee will meet at least three times per academic year; however, additional meetings may be required.
For further information about the Committee, please contact
On April 24, 2019, the Ontario Tech Board of Governors approved a revised Policy and Procedures on Student Sexual Violence. The policy builds on and clarifies a number of aspects of the University's earlier policy on sexual violence approved in December 2016.
The policy affirms the university’s commitment to maintaining a healthy and safe environment for work and study by providing support and assistance to students who may have experienced an act of sexual violence, and by condemning any act that perpetuates or reinforces sexual violence. Through education and preventative programming, our goal is to create a culture that is characterized by respect and inclusion, and where individuals are empowered to intervene in situations where sexual violence has taken or may take place.
The revised Student Sexual Violence Policy and Procedures followed a year long process of consultation and review by the university's Advisory Committee on Student Sexual Violence Prevention and Support. During the 2018 calendar year, the committee held town hall meetings and roundtables with students, met with key staff from offices that provide support and training on aspects related to the policy, and elicited feedback and suggestions from members of the community on the ways in which the policy may be improved. Together, this input informed the redevelopment of the policy that was put forward for approval in April 2019. The committee is indebted to all those who took the time to provide feedback and suggestions that were incorporated into the final draft.
The Policy will be reviewed by the Advisory Committee during the spring of 2020 and at least every three years after that. Students and other members of the community are invited to provide feedback and suggestions to the Committee for its consideration at any time. Revisions arising from this review will be brought forward to the Provost in May each year.
Feedback for the Committee may be sent to:
Intersection with other policies
This policy is designed to work in coordination with other university policies and procedures, including:
The policy procedures set out a student-led process.
There is also information on resolution procedures and the process for review and appeal.
For information, please contact