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Nomination process

Nominations are accepted from all current faculty, staff and students at Ontario Tech! Receiving a nomination helps our students feel valued, recognized and acknowledged. 

The nomination period is now closed.

Please review the instructions and guiding document below, prior to submitting a nomination. If you know someone who would like to nominate the same student, there will be an option to attach a letter of support at the end of the nomination form. Please limit letters of support to one page.

Instructions for writing a strong nomination

  • Nomination letters should be:
    • No longer than 500 words.
    • Written in paragraph format.
  • Provide an intro paragraph to introduce the nominee:
    • Explain how you know them.
    • Describe your relationship with them (e.g. supervisor, peer, partner).
    • Provide an overview of the dates and times you have worked with the student. 
  • In the second paragraph, provide three specific examples of how the nominee's experience meets the criteria of the award(s).
    • Review the attributes of the award often, throughout your writing process.
  • In the final paragraph—using the specific examples from paragraph two—explain how the nominee has positively contributed to the university community. 
    • Describe the outcome of the nominee's actions. 
  • Inform your nominee about their nomination.

  • Gather any additional information or examples to help support your nomination.

  • Ask the nominee for a copy of their resumé to ensure job/activity titles and timelines are accurate.

  • Reach out to anyone else that could write a supporting letter and attach it to your nomination. 

Follow the STAR method

  • Situation
    • Describe a specific situation, activity, event or task, and provide a few details to ensure the nomination reviewer fully understands the situation. 
  • Task
    • Clearly list the role the nominee performed during this specific situation.
  • Action
    • In detail, list the steps the nominee took during the situation.
    • Focus on the nominee specifically, as opposed to the entire team.
  • Result
    • Explain the outcome of the situation that occurred with the role of the nominee.
    • In detail, describe any positive outcomes, including the final outcome of the situation.
    • Explain how the nominee helped other students or members of the university community. 
    • Briefly summarize how the nominee's actions affected the overall success of the situation, activity, event or task. 

Frequently asked questions

  • What are the nominator requirements?

    The nomination process is open to all faculty, staff and students at Ontario Tech.


    • Can nominate multiple students for awards.
    • Can nominate the same student for multiple awards (for example, nominate the same student for the Community Building and Respect Award).
    • Cannot base a nomination on, and/or include reference to experiences for which the student received academic credit (for example, internship, practicum, course assignment, capstone projects, and so on).
    • Cannot nominate the same student for the same leadership award multiple times (for example, nominate the same student for the Community Building Award more than once).
  • How are students notified?
    All nominees will be notified via their .net email of their nomination whether they move on as a finale nominee (top three students per award category). All nominee finalists will be invited to attend the award ceremony. Upon receiving their award, winners will be showcased on the Student Life Instagram account @otstudentlife and receive an honorarium and certificate.
  • What is the selection process?
    Nominee screening 

    Nominations are open through the months of November to January. 

    Throughout the nomination period, nominees are regularly screened against award requirements (e.g. CGPA minimums).

    Initial application review 

    End of January, early February

    The evaluation committee—made up of staff and faculty—reviews nomination applications. Applications are determined to be successful (meet basic award criteria) or unsuccessful (do not meet basic award criteria). You must sign up to be a Student Leadership Award of Recognition - Faculty and Staff Evaluator

    Nominees contacted 


    Nominees of successful applications will be contacted and informed of their nominations. Both nominators and nominees will be invited to the Awards Ceremony at this time once the evaluation committee establishes the top three in each category.

    Personal statements requested 


    Top applications are selected and nominees are contacted and asked to submit a personal statement to include in their application. This is to be completed by top Student Leadership Awards applicants and President’s Award applications only.

    Winners selected 

    Late February.

    The selection committee anonymously review all applications using a rubic scoring system. The selection committee considers both the nomination and the personal statement in the selection of the award winners. 

    Winners contacted


    Winners and their nominators are informed.

    Award Ceremony 

    Friday, April 5

    Nominees and nominators who make it to the top three will be invited to the award ceremony taking place on-campus. 

For more information, contact