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Single session supports

What we offer

Student Mental Health Services offers professional one-on-one mental health support for students at Ontario Tech University. If you would like to connect with a member of our team, you can:

  • Book an intake session with one of our Mental Health and Wellness Facilitators (MHWF) to get started. They will assess your needs and make appropriate recommendations such as self-help resources, peer support, a mental health workshop or counselling.

  • Book a 45 minute drop-in appointment if you are having a rough day and are in emotional distress.  A counsellor can help with grounding, emotional regulation and problem solving techniques.

You can also review the distress flowchart to find other resources you can access on-campus or off.

Intake Appointments

  • An email reminder will be sent to your email address. 

  • Kindly fill out our intake and confidentiality forms prior to your appointment.

  • Intake appointments with our MHWF are approximately 50 minutes in length.

  • This initial meeting will determine the best services to meet your needs.

What to expect:

  • When you call or email Student LifeLine, or fill out our online referral form, one of our Student Life Services Co-ordinators will offer you an intake appointment. Our hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday.

  • Kindly fill out and return the forms that are sent to you, and let us know if you’d prefer a telephone, Google Meet video or in-person appointment.

  • When it’s time for your appointment, you will meet with a MHWF.  You will receive a Google Calendar invitation if you choose Google Meet as your preferred appointment mode.

  • At the beginning of your session, our MHWF will review our confidentiality and privacy guidelines.

  • After reviewing the guidelines, our MHWF will ask you about your concerns and make recommendations for resources and/or treatment based on the challenges you are having. 

  • Where appropriate, our MHWF will follow up with you to ensure the recommendations were helpful.

Drop-in Sessions

  • If you are experiencing emotional distress during business hours, call or email the Student LifeLine: 905.721.3392 or

  • Drop-in sessions are shorter appointments focussed on your current distress.

  • There are some days that the drop-in appointments may not be available due to staff training, events, meetings or other circumstances.  

What to expect:

  • When you call or email Student LifeLine, let our Student Life Services Co-ordinator know that you would like a drop-in appointment.

  • The Services Co-ordinator will look to see which counsellor is available for a drop-in session today.

  • The Services Co-ordinator will ask whether you would like to meet your counsellor through Google Meet video conferencing, telephone or in-person.

  • If you are new to Student Mental Health Services the Services Co-ordinator will email you some intake forms to fill out and return. 

  • Your counsellor will connect with you at your appointment time, using the communication method you have selected.

Book an appointment


Your information is protected and confidential. Unless required by law, anything discussed in counselling remains confidential. Parents, professors, administrators and others are not provided with any information regarding a student in counselling.

Please be aware that there are exceptions to this rule; there are circumstances in which counsellors are legally obligated to break confidentiality. See our Confidentiality Statement and our Privacy Guide to learn more.  

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