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Supporting Health and Well-being

We understand the close association between student health and wellness and academic success.  We, therefore, offer a range of services for students to promote their positive mental health, strengthen their resilience and help them manage the multiple demands of university life.  If you are concerned about your student’s adjustment and well-being or feel that your student may benefit from support and assistance, please have them contact Student Mental Health Services to set up an appointment.


At the university, communication regarding your student takes place with the student directly. In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA), the university does not release any information about a student’s academic record to their parent or guardian if that access has not been authorized by the student.

Student Life Services for Health and Well-being

  • Mental Health
    Our Student Mental Health Services offers professional, short-term individual counselling and therapy for students. For students needing long term counselling support or specialized mental health services, Student Mental Health Services can provide referrals to assist them in accessing resources in the community. In addition to our counselling services, we offer wellness activities and initiatives and support groups for students.
  • Equity and Inclusivity

    We aim to cultivate a welcoming, supportive and inclusive learning environment that builds on and celebrates the rich talents, interests and cultures of our students. In this way, we hope to create conditions under which all members of the community can flourish academically and professionally.  We can help your student:

    • Learn about the university's behavioural standards that promote equity, compassion and respect.
    • Contribute to the elimination of sexual violence at the university.
    • Address concerns involving discrimination and harassment through information, resources and referrals.
    • Find out about safe spaces on campus where individuals can feel welcome, included and valued.
    • Connect with cultural groups and peers by getting involved in a campus club.
    • Find out where the prayer rooms are located on campus.
    • Find out about the different cultural and religious holy days that may be observed by your peers on the Interfaith Calendar

    If your student wants to talk, needs support, or has an idea for an equity event or campaign, have them contact the Equity and Inclusivity Advisor.

  • Indigenous Education and Cultural Services

    The Indigenous Cultural Advisor (Counsellor) has developed culturally relevant services and programs to meet your student's individual needs as a First Nation, Métis or Inuit student. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students are encouraged to use our counselling services. Services include:

    • Cultural teachings and guidance.

    • Educational workshops and on-campus events.

    • One-on-one counselling.

    • Talking circles and small-group counselling.

    • Visiting Elders program.

  • Varsity Athletics


    A gym membership is included in your student's fees, giving them access to the Campus Recreation and Wellness Centre. Students can use the gym for free, or sign up for Group Fitness classes at an additional charge.

    Intramural and extramural sports

    We offer a variety of sports that your student can get involved in to stay active.

    Athletic therapy (for Varsity athletes)

    Varsity Athletic Therapy specializes in injury and illness prevention, assessment, treatment and rehabilitation services and athlete education to every student-athlete. Athletic Therapy takes an active and progressive approach to rehabilitation of sports-related injuries. The Athletic Therapists work in collaboration with a multi-disciplinary team of health care professionals within the Health Centre to provide our varsity athletes with the most appropriate care.