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Indigenous Resources

Indigenous education and reconciliation are important priorities for the university. Indigenous Education and Cultural Services (IECS), and the President’s Indigenous Reconciliation Task Force strive to build a sense of gratitude, understanding, and appreciation for Indigenous people, their history and the land they have welcomed us on to share with them throughout the campus community. 

Acknowledge the Traditional Territory

Acknowledge the Traditional Territory

Acknowledge the Traditional Territory

Acknowledging the traditional territory is one way to express our respect, gratitude, and appreciation for the Indigenous people who have inhabited and continue to live on the land we have been welcomed to share. It is a recognition of their presence both in the past and the present. Recognition helps to create a welcoming and safe environment for Indigenous students, their families, and community members.


Host an Indigenous Guest

Host an Indigenous Guest

Host an Indigenous Guest

When considering an Indigenous guest, IECS should be contacted to discuss outcomes, provide referrals, and review protocols. When booking an Indigenous guest, IECS is available to help guide the process and suggest potential guests based on the needs outlined by the faculty, staff, or student.

In the university's journey toward reconciliation, it is important that we have educational tools to help us treat Indigenous guests and the communities around us with respect.


Use Indigenous Educational Resources

Use Indigenous Educational Resources

Use Indigenous Educational Resources

Given the goals of reconciliation and ongoing education, we have a number of interesting and helpful resources at both of our campus locations—the Baagwating Indigenous Student Centre, and Mukwa’s Den. Also available are several video resources accessible to students, staff, and faculty through the library website using your network ID and password, including:

  • Future History Series: A television show that looks back at the history of the Indigenous community and looks forward to their brighter future.

  • Treaties Recognition Playlist: A series of films that tell the history of treaties in Canada, as well as other important Indigenous stories that have affected our nation and its cultural landscape.

We highly recommend you watch these videos and share them with others interested in supporting our journey toward reconciliation.

Attend Indigenous Events and Workshops

Attend Indigenous Events and Workshops

Attend Indigenous Events and Workshops

IECS hosts regular events, including Sweat Lodges, cultural workshops, guest speakers and the Visiting Elder program.

In addition to these events, we also host workshops and provide class presentations that introduce attendees to the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada, such as residential schools, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and how these continue to impact Indigenous peoples today.