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Refer a Student

Statistics show that many of our students use Student Life services, based on referrals from professors, academic advisors and other staff members. We are here to help with the appropriate supports, and appreciate the faculty and staff that provide referrals to our services. 

To ensure students are being triaged to the right support system, check out some key concerns to look out for and contact us to let us know how we can help!

Refer a student to Mental Health Services if they are:

  • Displaying extreme disorganization or inappropriate content of written assignments.

  • Expressing thoughts of despair or harm to self, or others, through submitted work/email.

  • Missing classes, labs, assignments and/or exams.

  • Showing a significant decline in their quality of academic performance or class participation. 

Refer a student to the Student Learning Centre when they express the need to:

  • Develop study strategies and time management skills.

  • Develop writing and editing skills.

  • Enhance English language skills.

  • Improve test/exam preparation and anxiety.

  • Review and/or practice a difficult concept taught in class.

  • Review prerequisite knowledge to build a better foundation in a particular area.

  • Work with a tutor or become part of a regular study group.

Refer a student to Student Accessibility Services if they express they are:

  • Not registered for accommodations and have a documented disability that requires accessibility resources. 

  • In need of alternate format texts and course material, or assistive technology. 

  • Having any degree of hearing loss and would like to request an American Sign Language Interpreter. 

  • Looking to obtain a Learning Strategies Counsellor, who will play a key role in the development and implementation of an accommodation plan. 

  • Needing a computerized note-taking device. 

  • Needing to write a test, midterm or exam in the Test Centre. 

  • Requiring ergonomic equipment for the classroom or Test Centre. 

Refer a student to the Career Centre if they express they are:  

  • Coping with pressure from other people about what they should or shouldn’t do in terms of work/their career.

  • Coping with stress and anxiety related to the next steps in their career path.

  • Feeling unmotivated in school, classes or their program of study.

  • Having career interests that don’t match the degree they're pursuing. 

Refer a student to the Student Development Specialist - Equity Programs if they express they are feeling as though: 

  • Their human rights have been violated.

  • They have been discriminated against.

  • They have been harassed.

  • They need a space to connect with regard to aspects of their identity (e.g. their race, religion, sexuality or gender identity).

The Student Life teams are available to support you and your students both inside, and outside of the classroom.

Consider collaborating with one of our teams by inviting us to present in your classroom or referring your students to us for support!