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Supporting Career

Whether it is adjusting to university life, identifying potential career options, knowing how to make the most of their degree or preparing for the next steps after graduation, we are here to help your student. It's important to remember that not passing a test, exam, or course is not necessarily a sign of failure or poor commitment to studies. It is common for university students to change Students speaking with a representative at the career faircareer plans, and all degrees can lead to gainful employment. Here are some ways that you can support your student's career:

  • Act as a resource for your student, sharing your experience and knowledge in discussions about ideas, plans or decisions relating to their career.

  • Encourage your student to take advantage of all of the career programming available to them as soon as a need is recognized.

  • Encourage your student to meet with the staff of the Career Centre as early as possible in their academic career to discuss ideas and plans for their future.

  • Encourage your student to get involved on campus and in their community. Employers often look for someone who is well-rounded and works well with others.

How we can help?

Our team of professional advisors, counsellors and peer employment advisors are available to assist, support, guide and encourage students and alumni with:

  • Developing personal and professional networks that may be helpful with their job search and career development.

  • Exploring career possibilities and professional development skills for today's workforce.

  • Learning how to make informed career decisions for themselves.

  • Referrals to other Student Life resources providing information regarding involvement opportunities, academic support, learning/study strategies and counselling services.

  • Understanding effective job-search strategies and successful interview techniques.

Supports and Services offered by the Career Centre

  • Employment Advising
    Our Employment Advisors are available during drop-in hours or scheduled one-on-one appointments to work with students on their resumé, cover letter and interviewing skills to help students succeed in their job search.
  • Career Counselling

    Career Counsellors 

    Our Career Counsellors hold a Masters Degree in Counselling Psychology. As trained Counsellors with a career focus, they help students learn more about themselves, explore life and career-related goals and identify how their unique qualities align with broader career areas. They take a non-judgmental approach - this means they will not tell students what to do. Instead, they work collaboratively with the student and provide support as they explore their plan for the future.

    Reasons to see a Career Counsellor

    Encourage your student to book an appointment with a Career Counsellor if they are feeling stress and anxiety related to career next steps, or are feeling unmotivated in school. A Career Counsellor supports students by:

    • Helping them identify their interests and strengths and connecting them to what they want in their career and life.

    • Help build their confidence in their career decision-making abilities and their future.

    • Supporting them in researching career options.

    Career Counsellors work with undergraduate, masters and PhD students and with recent graduates.

  • Job Search Help
    Job opportunities both on and off campus, online workshops and career assessment tools are accessible to students and alumni through the Student Life Portal. The Career Centre also hosts multiple career fairs on campus where employers come to campus to discuss employment opportunities with a focused group of job-ready students and graduates. Employment Advisors are available to support students in their job search and to prepare for career fairs.
  • Online Resources
    Tip sheets are available online through the Student Life Portal that students can access at any time to guide them in their career planning, job search and application. The Career Centre also has video workshops accessible online, and offer virtual appointments to meet remotely with an Employment Advisor.