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Get Involved

The start of each new academic year brings with it new students who are just learning the in's and out's of university life. As faculty and staff members, we are here to help provide guidance and answers to questions. 

We are always looking for volunteers to help out during Orientation and the first week of school at AskMe information booths across campus. 

Prior to signing up to volunteer, please ensure you have obtained the necessary supervisor/manager approval to participate.

Volunteer Opportunities

Check back soon for the sign-up form and training dates.

Friday, August 30 | Move-in day

Move-in day is an opportunity to welcome incoming students moving into residence as they join the Ridgeback family. Faculty and staff volunteer support is needed to greet students, help them find their way, and help them move into their new home for their incoming year at Ontario Tech. Family-friendly activities will be offered during residence move-in day, so staff and faculty support is greatly appreciated to facilitate these activities.

Saturday, August 31 | Orientation

This year, we are once again hosting in-person activities from Friday, August 30 to Monday, September 2 as part of this year’s Orientation events. This event is a great opportunity for incoming students to connect with their peers, talk with upper year students about their experiences and build community. 

As faculty and staff, you may be asked to support with way/information finding, activity support and/or general event support.  

To learn more, visit our Orientation website

Sunday, September 1 | Faculty Orientation

Faculty Orientation is an opportunity for incoming students to participate in a variety of activities and sessions—designed to build connections and community—within their program and faculty. Faculty and staff volunteer support is needed to welcome students into their programs and provide them with the chance to meet the people who will be supporting them as they begin their new journey at Ontario Tech. 

Each faculty has a dedicated Faculty Planning Team that will connect with volunteers (that’s you!) to share more about the order of events, including what your role will be on the day of the event. 

September 3 to 6 | AskMe Information booths

Running Tuesday, September 3 through Friday, September 6, AskMe information booths will be stationed across our north and downtown campus locations to welcome new and returning students to campus. Volunteer support is needed to answer student questions and help them navigate our campuses. As a faculty or staff member, this is a great opportunity to directly connect with students and promote programs, services, and research opportunities.