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Peer Leader Program

Peer leaders

What is the Peer Leader program?

The purpose of the Peer Leader program is to support our new students as they transition into all facets of their first year at Ontario Tech. 

All new, incoming students—including direct from high school, pathway and transfer students—are automatically matched with an upper-year Peer Leader from their respective faculty. Your Peer Leader is available to an assigned group of mentees during the summer months, leading up to Orientation and into the fall semester. 

How can my Peer Leader support me?

Peer Leaders help new students integrate into university life and help to facilitate a more engaging student experience. Through cultivating meaningful peer relationships, students and leaders contribute to building a strong sense of community and vibrant campus culture.  

Peer Leaders will support student mentees by:

  • Answering questions about the university and life as an Ontario Tech student.

  • Creating opportunities for students to meet new people and have fun.

  • Inviting students to campus events and activities.

  • Offering encouragement and guidance throughout the first semester.

  • Providing referrals to campus services and resources.

  • Sharing their own academic journey and experiences. 

For additional information about the Peer Leader program, navigate through the frequently asked questions (FAQ) section below: 


  • How can I become a Peer Leader?

    The Peer Leader role is one of many leadership opportunities offered within the Ambassador programStudents in any academic year, who are interested in getting involved on campus, can join the Ambassador program and begin their leadership journey. 

    Upper-year Ambassadors will be eligible to apply for various leadership positions—including the Peer Leader and Senior Leader roles—when recruitment happens during the spring semester. 

    Peer Leaders will be actively supporting student mentees with transition over the summer and fall terms, wrapping up by December.  

    For more information, visit the Ambassador program web page or contact 

  • How can I be matched with a Peer Leader?
    New student

    All new, incoming students who have a September start will be automatically included in the Peer Leader program and matched with an upper-year student from their respective faculty. 

    Students and mentors will begin being matched during the summer before classes begin in September. If you're a student who has not heard from your assigned Peer Leader by September 1, please email

    Upper-year student

    While upper-year students are not automatically matched with a Peer Leader, this type of mentoring relationship can still be very beneficial in any year of study. Please note: Any student can opt-in to the program, and be matched with a Peer Leader at any time throughout the fall semester, by emailing  

  • How can I request to be matched with a Peer Leader that's different than who was originally assigned to me?

    If you feel you're not matched with a Peer Leader who is a good fit for you, for any reason, you can request to be re-assigned to a new leader. Email and we can work together to find a more suitable match.

  • How can someone make a referral to the Peer Leader program?

    Ontario Tech faculty and staff are likely to connect with students who can benefit from having a Peer Leader. Students in any year of study can be referred and we will work to connect them with a suitable leader. 

    To make a referral, or to request more information about the program, email and we'll follow up as soon as possible. 

Any inquiries about the Peer Leader program can be sent to