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Working with us and recruiting our students is an investment in your business and their future. We offer many opportunities and formats that you can recruit top talent both physically or remotely. Throughout the year, we offer chances for employers to visit our campus to check out the hard work our students have been doing. You can also work with the university to build your brand, conduct research and more. Find out why hundreds of organizations recruit through Ontario Tech University’s Career Centre each year.

Co-op and internships

Co-op and internships

Learn more about leveraging our co-op placements, internships and student study projects to solve your business needs.
Experiential learning

Experiential learning

Learn more about experiential and work-integrated-learning opportunities.

Funding opportunities

Funding opportunities

Learn more about funding opportunities available to employers.
Recruit in person

Recruit in person

Learn about the upcoming opportunities to recruit top talent.
Recruit online

Recruit online

Register on our portal to find out about how you can reach more than 10,000 talents.
Corporate engagement

Corporate engagement

Connect with engaged student groups.
Corporate training

Corporate training

Learn more about how our Continuous Learning team can help you—or your organization—upskill your talent.
Work with us

Work with us

Build your brand, conduct research, recruit talent and more.