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Discrimination and Harassment Support

The university promotes a campus environment that is equitable, inclusive and accessible and does not tolerate, ignore or condone discrimination or harassment by or against anyone. The university is committed to providing a campus environment in which all university members are treated with dignity, and to fostering a climate of understanding and mutual respect for the value of each individual. To this end, the university has set out principles of behaviour in an effort to increase behaviours well-correlated with success and stability, while working to eradicate violations of the Ontario Human Rights Code through the Respectful Campus Policy.

If you have experienced discrimination or harassment at the university, you can contact the Human Rights Office.

The Human Rights Office can support you by:

  • Providing you with advice, information, coaching and resources about your rights and how to address concerns.
  • Resolving your concern through mediation, restorative processes and other early or informal resolution options or through an investigation.

Students unsure of what initial steps to take can start by booking a consultation or by filing a complaint directly.