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Recovery College

Recovery College

Ontario Tech has partnered with the Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences since 2020 to bring the Recovery College model of student-driven mental health support to our students. Recovery College courses are co-designed and co-facilitated by Ontario Tech students.  These courses provide education about mental health and wellness and empower students to discover or rediscover connection, passion, hope and meaning.

Wellness Hacks 101

Check back for our next session!

Are you feeling overwhelmed and unsure on how to prioritize yourself? Join us for a peer-led workshop series to master your wellness! Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of stress and anxiety management techniques, explore strategies for unwinding from stress, examine the impact of social media on wellness and develop personalized wellness plans for managing stressors and well-being. By the end of this workshop, students will have the knowledge and tools necessary to cultivate a balanced and resilient approach to wellness in their daily lives! 

You will learn:
  • How to differentiate between stress and anxiety. 
  • How to identify personal stressors, explore resources for support and create customized wellness plans for daily, weekly and monthly self-care. 
  • How to set boundaries and prevent burnout. 
  • Practical and personalized techniques for anxiety management and self-care.
  • To understand the importance of sleep for our wellness. 
Weekly Topics:

Week one: Stress and anxiety.

Week two: Practical tips for managing anxiety.

Week three: Unwinding from stress and sleep problems.

Week four: Social media and finding boundaries within.

Week five: Navigating resources and creating a wellness plan.